

Durability Stat Explained

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-- Stat Details --

Stat Name:



Weapon Stats


Durability is how much health an item has. As the Hit Points(hp) of an item declines, so to does its quality level until it becomes ruined and useless. Lower quality levels can in some cases make items perform worse. You can restore the Hit Points / Durability / Quality Levels of most items with various repair tools in DayZ.


Tertiary: Tertiary stats impact the performance of items a small amount. This makes them the least valuable stats that should rarely be considered when comparing items


This stat is not reversed. If the stat number increases, so to does the stat bars found around this website


KA 101 at 300 Durability

The same Durability value is found on: KAM - SK 5966 - CR 527 - BK 43 Buck - BK 43 Slugs - BK 43 Rubber - Sawed off BK 43 Buck - Sawed off BK 43 Slugs - Sawed off BK 43 Rubber - LAR - AUR AX - AUR A1 - CR 550 Savanna - BK 12 Buck - BK 12 Slugs - BK 12 Rubber - Sawed off BK 12 Buck - Sawed off BK 12 Slugs - Sawed off BK 12 Rubber


IJ 70 at 100 Durability


Hit Points

Related Weapon Stats

Primary Stats

- Health Damage -

The Health Damage a weapon does at point-blank range to the chest of an unarmored player. Health Damage is calculated using the "Base Health Damage" on the ammo combined with muzzle velocity. 100 health damage is required to kill a player.

- Primary -


- Shock Damage -

The Shock Damage a weapon does at point-blank range to the chest of an unarmored player. Shock Damage is calculated using the "Base Shock Damage" on the ammo combined with muzzle velocity. 75 shock damage is required to make a player go unconscious.

- Primary -


- Rate of Fire -

Rate of Fire directly comes from the Rounds Per Minute or RPM of a weapon in DayZ without considering reloads. The number used to calculate this comes from a different number in the game files that follows a frequency of 30Hz for ONLY the full auto fire mode. This means burst fire and semi auto fire modes are judged by literally how many rounds you can fire per minute without considering reloads. You can calculate damage per minute by multiplying this number by the damage stat in DayZ.

- Primary -


- Max Range -

Max Range is the maximum range the weapon can reliably hit shots with its best attachments attached. This stat considers bullet speed, air friction, dispersion, maximum zeroing distance, reticle and any other features attachments provide.

- Primary -


- Damage Per Second -

The damage a weapon does every second without considering reloads. This stat takes an average of Health Damage and Shock Damage at very close range(<1m) and multiplies it by the Rate of Fire stat converted to seconds. Damage Per Second is also known as Damage/sec or DPS.

- Primary -


- Damage Over Range -

The average damage a weapon does between 0 and 1000 meters, or how good a weapon is at doing damage at distance. This stat takes an average of the Health Damage and Shock Damage stats at 100 meter intervals from 0 up to 1000 meters, then finds the average of all damage numbers recorded. The stat number shown can be used to get an idea of the damage a weapon can do at around 500 meters, but this is not accurate for some weapons.

- Primary -


- Damage Retention -

A stat showing the approximate distance a projectile loses 50% of its average damage. In other words, how well a projectile fired from a weapon retains its damage over distance. The further a projectile travels in DayZ, the more damage it loses, with some weapons losing damage faster than others due to various other stats.

- Primary -


Secondary Stats

- Accuracy -

Accuracy is a reversed stat of the dispersion stat found in the game files. Dispersion is the base probability a bullet will travel off-center. It randomly generates a number between 0(perfect accuracy) and the dispersion value the weapon has. The bigger the gap in numbers, the more unpredictable and off-center the bullet path will be. Note that attachments can greatly reduce dispersion on weapons in DayZ.

- Secondary -


- Base Range -

A rough guide to how far away you can hit a player model in meters. This stat considers bullet speed, air friction, dispersion, maximum zeroing distance and even the model of the default iron sights of a weapon. This stat is merely used to give a rough estimate of the ranges the weapon is useful against other players and infected WITHOUT attachments.

- Secondary -


- Ammo Capacity -

The maximum amount of ammo a weapon can carry before it requires a full reload. This stat considers the maximum size magazine attachment... If the weapon allows a magazine. Tip: Guns that allow a magazine can hold 1 extra round in the barrel of the weapon.

- Secondary -


- Projectile Speed -

The speed a projectile flies from the gun in meters per second without considering air friction. Projectile Speed is calculated by taking the Initial Speed of the ammo it uses multiplied by the Initial Speed Multiplier stat found directly on the weapon itself. This stat replicates muzzle velocity, and heavily impacts the damage and penetration of a gun in DayZ.

- Secondary -


- Reload Speed -

The time it takes in seconds for a weapon to reload from the start of the animation to the end of the animation. Be aware that if the weapon has ammo in the chamber, the time it takes to reload is slightly faster due to no cocking animation being required. The animation is played frame by frame in video editing software to determine the exact speed a weapon can fully reload in DayZ.

- Secondary -


- Recoil Kick Control -

Recoil Kick Control is a reversed stat of vertical recoil that kicks a weapon up in the Y axis, or upwards, when a weapon is fired WITHOUT any attachments. Upwards recoil in DayZ is quite predictable, so this stat is easy to counter with an equal amount of camera movement in the opposite direction. Attachments that reduce recoil greatly impact this stat. See the Weapon Attachment Tool for details.

- Secondary -


- Sway Control -

Sway Control is a reversed stat of Sway, and is the drift a weapon has from side to side while not holding your breath. The numbers above are rough estimates of sway, new methods are being tested to better collect sway data. Attachments greatly impact this stat.

- Secondary -


- Penetration Power -

Penetration Power, or PP, is the ability to penetrate surfaces in DayZ with projectiles. This stat is calculated by multiplying Bullet Speed(Initial Speed on ammo by the Initial Speed Multiplier on the weapon) with Caliber. The Caliber stat and Initial Speed Multiplier are found in the game files.

- Secondary -


- Zeroing Distance -

The maximum zeroing distance of a weapon without attachments in meters. The higher you can zero, the easier it is to hit targets at range. Attachments greatly impact this stat.

- Secondary -


- Recoil Stability -

Recoil Stability is a reversed stat of how uncontrollable a weapon is when a weapon is fired WITHOUT any attachments. Stability is a great indicator of how predictable a weapons recoil pattern will be. The higher the recoil stability, the more reliable the recoil path will be, and the easier it will be to stay on target while firing. Recoil Stability is most important on weapons that fire quickly, but also shows how far off-center a weapon can become when fired. Attachments that reduce recoil instability greatly impact this stat. See the Weapon Attachment Tool for details.

- Secondary -


Tertiary Stats

- Quietness -

Quietness is a reversed stat of how far away a weapon can be heard when fired in meters. This distance is not 100% accurate due to everyone having a different sound setup and volume. Suppressors greatly improve this stat.

- Tertiary -


- Crack Quietness -

Crack Quietness is a reversed stat of when a projectile becomes subsonic in DayZ in meters. Subsonic projectiles do not generate a weapon crack or snap sound. If the distance is 0 meters, it means it is always subsonic and can never generate a crack sound when firing at enemies.

- Tertiary -


- Compactness -

Compactness is a reversed stat of the width and height of the weapon in slots in your inventory. The more compact a weapon is, the less space it will take in your inventory.

- Tertiary -


- Shortness -

This is a reversed stat of the length stat found in the game files, and determines how far away the muzzle of a gun is from the center of the player in centimeters. The longer a weapon the sooner it will raise up when holding it near an object or surface.

- Tertiary -


- Lightness -

Lightness is the reversed stat of weight found in the game files, and determines how heavy a weapon is in grams. The heavier a weapon is, the more it reduces your stamina stat.

- Tertiary -


- Shots To Ruin -

The number of shots required to ruin a weapon to 0% Durability(Ruined) from 100% Durability(Pristine). Ruined weapons cannot be repaired or fired. The Weapon Info Tool displays Shots To Ruin from multiple Quality Levels in a dedicated table.

- Tertiary -


About WOBO Tools Stats

The weird and wonderful world of game statistics is a complex one that has taken years of research to understand and apply to the tools on this website. With that said, some stats may not translate exactly from this website to the game; take these stats with a grain of salt.

Using the Statistic Information Tool, you can gain a good understanding of how stats translate from in-game to WOBO Tools, giving you the knowledge you may need to make some of the more complex choices in the game.

If you believe any of the stats on this tool are incorrect or incomplete, please contact WOBO. Stats can be difficult to understand sometimes, and I could use the help!

