

All of the Latest Content

All of the latest content from WOBO. This page is where you can stay up to date with all things WOBO.

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The Drunken Sailor
A DayZ Short called "The Drunken Sailor" was added
16 hours ago

Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast has become a WOBO Sponsor!
Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast has become a WOBO Sponsor!
21 hours ago

Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast has received the WOBO Sponsor rank for pledging to give $75 per month and has unlocked Membership Perks. To remember Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast's incredible generosity, Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast will have their name placed on this website to show their amazing support! They also have access to place a sponsored message at the top of most tools and content pages.
This will help pay for hosting and the resources WOBO needs to create tools, videos and tips. Thank you Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast!
Become a sponsor via Patreon - Become a sponsor via YouTube Members

Rearmed Servers has become a WOBO Sponsor!
Rearmed Servers has become a WOBO Sponsor!
21 hours ago

Rearmed Servers has received the WOBO Sponsor rank for pledging to give $75 per month and has unlocked Membership Perks. To remember Rearmed Servers's incredible generosity, Rearmed Servers will have their name placed on this website to show their amazing support! They also have access to place a sponsored message at the top of most tools and content pages.
This will help pay for hosting and the resources WOBO needs to create tools, videos and tips. Thank you Rearmed Servers!
Become a sponsor via Patreon - Become a sponsor via YouTube Members

WOBO Tools Patch #12 - Super Mega Improved Search
News: WOBO Tools Patch #12 - Super Mega Improved Search
2 days ago

Improved Search:
- Added a new, enhanced search bar to all pages.
- Search now includes autocomplete and smart matching for similar queries and typos, marked with a *.
- Popular searches are suggested to you, rank higher the more popular they are, and your recent searches are saved.
- Thousands of alias terms added (e.g., "shotty" -> shotguns, "sniper ammo" -> long-range ammo, "FNX" -> FX, "thumper" -> M79, etc).
- Increased search results per query from 10 to 100, with Full Search still available.
- Press Shift+Q on 99% of pages to start a new search.
- Chernarus, Livonia, and Sakhal map locations are now searchable, opening the DayZ Map Tool at the specified location.
- Full Search can now find videos, tips, guides, etc from the content feed.
- Full Search can now find navigation and function pages. For example: login, options, home page, etc.

DayZ Map Tool Update #2.1:
- Added Minor Military and Minor POI location types across all maps.
- Added a map info button showing all locations sorted by type, stats, difficulty, and terrain details for that map.
- Fixed GPS coordinates not working in the search bar.
- Fixed search bar not always navigating to found locations.
- Fixed touchscreen devices requiring multiple taps to select results.

The Broom Cooking Stand
A DayZ Short called "The Broom Cooking Stand" was added
3 days ago

DayZ Map Tool Update #2
News: DayZ Map Tool Update #2
5 days ago

Location Search:
- A new search bar under the minimap lets you find locations by name, type, coordinates or GPS, zooming you to the location and animating the exact location of coords.
- Pasting a link/URL in the search bar loads its coordinates, custom pins, and placed paths/shapes from the reworked Path Tool.

Reworked Path Tool:
- Formerly the Measurement Tool, it now allows path sharing, allowing us to share loot routes or creative drawings (e.g., NWAF-sized man sausages).
- A new Share button copies path data to your clipboard. Sharing the link loads the path you made and any custom pins you placed for others to view.
- Added minimize/maximize buttons to show/hide path details.

- Added unique SVG icons to pins for better identification (e.g., boat icons on Rubber Boat locations).
- Added Dynamic Gas Attack location pins to Chernarus and Livonia.
- Clicking a pin now displays Map and GPS coordinates for that pin, which can be copied.

New Keybinds:
- Ctrl + C: Copies X + Y map coordinates.
- Ctrl + X: Copies URL + X + Y + Z (shares your screen).
- Ctrl + Z: Copies X + Y GPS coordinates.
- Ctrl + L > Ctrl + C: Copies full URL(Cmd on Mac).
- Alt + C: Toggles Loot dropdown menu.
- Alt + X: Toggles Pins dropdown menu.
- Esc: Closes all dropdowns.
- Alt + A: Toggles Path Tool.
- Alt + Z: Toggles Custom Pins Tool.
- Shift + Q: Open Search Bar.
- Shift + C: Center Map.
- Shift + X: Toggle Location Names.
- Shift + Z: Toggle Brightness.
- Keybinds are shown on UI elements and in the Info > Guide tab.

Minor Changes:
- Added GPS coordinates next to map coordinates on the UI.
- Dropdowns now have a red X for easier closing.
- Removed + and - zoom buttons. Use double-click to zoom in, Shift + double-click to zoom out.
- Increased pin/marker sizes for better visibility of icons.
- Increased the amount of Path Nodes you can place or load to 100.
- Added missing Fuel Pumps at NWAF and Pavlovo Military.
- Updated Info > Guide tab with more info on new features.

The New POX Mine
A DayZ Short called "The New POX Mine" was added
6 days ago

Traps Are Now 500% Better in DayZ 1.27, But Fishing is Worse
A DayZ Video called "Traps Are Now 500% Better in DayZ 1.27, But Fishing is Worse" was added
7 days ago

Tactical Optic Scouting
A DayZ Short called "Tactical Optic Scouting" was added
9 days ago

The Stealthiest Firearms Vs Infected in DayZ
A DayZ Quick Tip called "The Stealthiest Firearms Vs Infected in DayZ" was added
12 days ago

Tactical KO Timers
A DayZ Short called "Tactical KO Timers" was added
13 days ago

What Blood Splats Mean
A DayZ Short called "What Blood Splats Mean" was added
16 days ago

How Toxic Poisoning Works | DayZ 1.27 Sickness Changes
A DayZ Video called "How Toxic Poisoning Works | DayZ 1.27 Sickness Changes" was added
17 days ago

Hands Vs Gas Poisoning
A DayZ Short called "Hands Vs Gas Poisoning" was added
18 days ago

The Role of Communication in DayZ
A DayZ guide called "The Role of Communication in DayZ" was added
20 days ago

A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT has become a WOBO VIP!
A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT has become a WOBO VIP!
21 days ago

A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT has received the WOBO VIP rank for pledging to give $40 per month and has unlocked Membership Perks. To remember A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT's incredible generosity, A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT will have their name placed on this website to show their amazing support! They also have access to place a sponsored message at the top of most tools and content pages.
This will help pay for hosting and the resources WOBO needs to create tools, videos and tips. Thank you A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT!
Become a sponsor via Patreon - Become a sponsor via YouTube Members

Suppressed Durability
A DayZ Short called "Suppressed Durability" was added
22 days ago

<strong>DayZ 1.27 Changes to WOBO Tools</strong>
DayZ 1.27 Changes to WOBO Tools
23 days ago

DayZ Map Tool:
- Sakhal map updated to show changes to terrain and new structure locations(Shipwreck, Concrete Bunkers, Cabins and new military buildings added in and around Burukan)
- Sakhal Military and Residential loot maps updated to include the shipwreck, bunkers, cabins and new military locations in Burukan.
- Chernarus Tier 2, 3 and 4 areas have been updated
- Sakhal Tier 3 and Tier 4 areas have been updated
- 20 more Container locations added to Sakhal
- 12 more Scientist locations added to Sakhal

DayZ Loot Finder Tool:
- Updated loot changes on Chernarus, Livonia and Sakhal
- Chernarus Tier 2, 3 and 4 areas have been updated
- Sakhal Hunting area has been updated
- Sakhal Tier 3 and Tier 4 areas have been updated

Player Stat Tool:
- Low Energy(yellow) + Low Hydration(yellow) Blood Regeneration has been buffed by 66% from 0.075 to 0.125 blood per second

- Health Damage at 0m nerfed by 1.53%
- Max Range nerfed by 6.67%, or 70m
- Damage Over Range nerfed by 2.63%
- Damage Retention nerfed by 3.97%
- Projectile Speed nerfed by 2.86%
- Penetration Power nerfed by 2.86%
- Crack Quietness buffed by 2.86%
- No longer 100% accurate with Optics or Sights

SV 98(VS 89):
- Health Damage at 0m buffed by 1.55%
- Damage Over Range buffed by 10.45%
- Damage Retention buffed by 16.44%
- Projectile Speed buffed by 12.75%
- Penetration Power buffed by 12.75%
- Crack Quietness nerfed by 14.71%
- 100% accurate with Sights now

- No longer 100% accurate with Sights

- 6 sound files for the Bizon, Skorpion, SG5K and USG have been updated(0m, 100m, 200m, 500m, suppressed & 100m full-auto)
Wednesday 05th March 2025  -  Changelog History

Massive Loot Tier Changes in DayZ 1.27 - Chernarus & Sakhal ...
A DayZ Video called "Massive Loot Tier Changes in DayZ 1.27 - Chernarus & Sakhal ..." was added
24 days ago

Light Vs Heavy Ammo
A DayZ Short called "Light Vs Heavy Ammo" was added
24 days ago

The Cold Spring
A DayZ Tip called "The Cold Spring" was added
26 days ago

Quick Release
A DayZ Short called "Quick Release" was added
28 days ago

Captive Management
A DayZ Short called "Captive Management" was added
30 days ago

DayZ's 2025 Roadmap: A Major Year for DayZ
A DayZ Video called "DayZ's 2025 Roadmap: A Major Year for DayZ" was added
1 month ago

The 9 Must-know Changes of DayZ 1.27
A DayZ Video called "The 9 Must-know Changes of DayZ 1.27" was added
1 month ago

Stop Vehicles Faster
A DayZ Short called "Stop Vehicles Faster" was added
1 month ago

Stopping Vehicles
A DayZ Short called "Stopping Vehicles" was added
1 month ago

Frostline Extraction Servers has become a WOBO VIP!
Frostline Extraction Servers has become a WOBO VIP!
1 month ago

Frostline Extraction Servers has received the WOBO VIP rank for pledging to give $40 per month and has unlocked Membership Perks. To remember Frostline Extraction Servers's incredible generosity, Frostline Extraction Servers will have their name placed on this website to show their amazing support! They also have access to place a sponsored message at the top of most tools and content pages.
This will help pay for hosting and the resources WOBO needs to create tools, videos and tips. Thank you Frostline Extraction Servers!
Become a sponsor via Patreon - Become a sponsor via YouTube Members

Why You Should Never Destroy a Flipped Boat in DayZ
A DayZ Quick Tip called "Why You Should Never Destroy a Flipped Boat in DayZ" was added
1 month ago

Stomach Limits
A DayZ Short called "Stomach Limits" was added
1 month ago


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