
DayZ Player Stat Tool


Thirst Stat Thirst Stat Thirst Stat Thirst Stat Thirst Stat Hunger Stat Hunger Stat Hunger Stat Hunger Stat Hunger Stat Temperature Stat Temperature Stat Temperature Stat Temperature Stat Temperature Stat Temperature Stat Temperature Stat Blood Stat Blood Stat Blood Stat Blood Stat Blood Stat Health Stat Health Stat Health Stat Health Stat Health Stat

 +100% to +70% Thirst Drain Rate
 +70% to +16% Thirst Drain Rate
 +16% to +6% Thirst Drain Rate
 -0.05 Health/sec (Thirst)  +6% to +0% Thirst Drain Rate
 -0.05 Health/sec (Thirst)  +0% Thirst Drain Rate
 +100% to +70% Hunger Drain Rate
 +70% to +16% Hunger Drain Rate
 +16% to +6% Hunger Drain Rate
 -0.05 Health/sec (Hunger)  +6% to +0% Hunger Drain Rate  Hunger Sound Effects
 -0.05 Health/sec (Hunger)  +0% Hunger Drain Rate  Hunger Sound Effects
 +0.3 Blood/sec
 +0.2 Blood/sec
 +0.125 Blood/sec
 No Blood Regen
 +0.03 Health/sec
 -0.25 Health/sec  -0.4 Hydration/sec
 -0.035 to -0.25 Health/sec  -0.4 Hydration/sec
 0 to -0.4 Hydration/sec
 -0.2 to -0.45 Energy/sec
 -0.035 to -0.25 Health/sec  -0.45 Energy/sec
 -0.25 Health/sec  -0.45 Energy/sec
 0% to 20% Black & White  +0.03 to +0.025 Health/sec
 20% to 40% Black & White  +0.025 to +0.02 Health/sec
 40% to 60% Black & White  +0.02 to +0.015 Health/sec
 60% to 80% Black & White  +0.011 to +0.01 Health/sec
 80% to 100% Black & White  +0.01 to +0.005 Health/sec  +5.5 to +6.25 Shock/sec
2500 Blood Death  80% to 100% Black & White  +0.01 to +0.005 Health/sec  +6 Shock/sec
 -14% Jog Speed  -7% Sprint Speed
 -30% Jog Speed  -30% Sprint Speed
 -56% Jog Speed  -70% Sprint Speed  Cannot Climb  Cannot Jump
0 Health Death  -56% Jog Speed  -70% Sprint Speed  Cannot Climb  Cannot Jump

1. Health

Health Stat 100 80 None
Health Stat 79 50 None
Health Stat 49 30 -14% Jog Speed
-7% Sprint Speed
Health Stat 29 15 -30% Jog Speed
-30% Sprint Speed
Health Stat 14 0 Death at 0 Health
-56% Jog Speed
-70% Sprint Speed
Cannot Climb
Cannot Jump

Monitoring one's health is of paramount importance in DayZ, as the consequences of having low health are relatively mild until your health drops to 0, at which point your character will die. Taking damage is the most common cause of death in the game, as weapons, both of the human and infected varieties, tend to cause a much greater loss of health than blood. The only other way to die of stat loss in DayZ is from blood loss - and this is where your Blood stat is crucial, as it determines how quickly your Health regenerates. However, because how much blood you have determines how quickly you regen health, having high hunger and high thirst stats will help increase blood regeneration and therefore health regeneration. Apart from temperature, all of the stats you see on your screen in DayZ are connected, but temperature can lower your other four main stats.
The Health stat also impacts your immunity level in DayZ, which can be seen on the Immune System Stat Tool.

2. Blood

Blood Stat 5000 4500 +0.03 to +0.025 Health/sec
0% to 20% Black & White Screen
Blood Stat 4499 4000 +0.025 to +0.02 Health/sec
20% to 40% Black & White Screen
Blood Stat 3999 3500 +0.02 to +0.015 Health/sec
40% to 60% Black & White Screen
Blood Stat 3499 3000 +0.015 to +0.01 Health/sec
60% to 80% Black & White Screen
Blood Stat 2999 2500 Death at 2500 Blood
+0.01 to +0.005 Health/sec
+5.5 to +6.25 Shock/sec
80% to 100% Black & White Screen

The Blood stat is one of the most complicated stats in DayZ due to how hunger and thirst impact regeneration, how your screen changes color, how shock damage at lower levels of blood are dynamic and how bleeds can clot due to simulated blood pressure. Dying from blood loss occurs at 2500 blood due to simulated heart failure due to a lack of blood. Blood reaching 2500 and health reaching 0 are the only two ways to die in DayZ when it comes to the main stats.
The Blood stat also impacts your immunity level in DayZ, which can be seen on the Immune System Stat Tool.

3. Temperature

Temperature Stat Higher than 75 -0.25 Health/sec
-0.4 Hydration/sec
Temperature Stat 75 45 -0.035 to -0.25 Health/sec
-0.4 Hydration/sec
Temperature Stat 45 15 0 to -0.4 Hydration/sec
Temperature Stat 15 -15 None
Temperature Stat -15 -45 -0.2 to -0.45 Energy/sec
Temperature Stat -45 -75 -0.035 to -0.25 Health/sec
-0.45 Energy/sec
Temperature Stat Lower than -75 -0.25 Health/sec
-0.45 Energy/sec

Your characters temperature determines the negative side effects you will receive, with having a white temperature stat being ideal for avoiding stat penalties. Due to the Temperature stat constantly changing, this is the stat you will need to check the most often as simply standing in cold water can drain health from you, with the same health drain occurring from being too hot. Gaining the heat comfort stat from being close to a heat source protects you from rapid changes in colder temperatures, but it doesn't protect you from becoming overheated.

4. Hunger

Hunger Stat 5000 3500 +100% to +70% Hunger Drain Rate
Hunger Stat 3499 800 +70% to +16% Hunger Drain Rate
Hunger Stat 799 300 +16% to +6% Hunger Drain Rate
Hunger Stat 299 0 -0.05 Health/sec
Blood Regen Stops
+6% to +0% Hunger Drain Rate
Hunger Sound Effects
Hunger Stat 0 -0.05 Health/sec
Blood Regen Stops
+0% Hunger Drain Rate
Hunger Sound Effects

The Hunger stat in DayZ can sometimes be called the Energy stat, not to be confussed with the Stamina stat. Having more energy means that you becoming hungrier faster as the hunger stat drains faster at higher levels. Your hunger level also determines how much blood you regenerate, with the stat being white indicating the highest level of regeneration. However, if the hunger stat goes red, blood regeneration will stop. Blood regeneration works based on which colors the hunger and thirst stat are. For example, any of the two being red means no blood regeneration, both being yellow means the lowest level of blood regen, one white and one yellow means normal blood regen, and finally both being white means maximum blood regen.
The Hunger/Energy stat also impacts your immunity level in DayZ, which can be seen on the Immune System Stat Tool.

5. Thirst

Thirst Stat 5000 3500 +100% to +70% Thirst Drain Rate
Thirst Stat 3499 800 +70% to +16% Thirst Drain Rate
Thirst Stat 799 300 +16% to +6% Thirst Drain Rate
Thirst Stat 299 0 -0.05 Health/sec
Blood Regen Stops
+6% to +0% Thirst Drain Rate
Thirst Stat 0 -0.05 Health/sec
Blood Regen Stops
+0% Thirst Drain Rate

The Thirst stat in DayZ can sometimes be called the Hydration stat. Having more hydration means that you becoming thirstier faster as the thirst stat drains faster at higher levels. Your thirst level also determines how much blood you regenerate, with the thirst stat being white indicating the highest level of regeneration. However, if the thirst stat goes red, blood regeneration will stop. Blood regeneration works based on which colors the thirst and hunger stat are. For example, any of the two stats being red means no blood regeneration, both being yellow means the lowest level of blood regen, one white and one yellow means normal blood regen, and finally both being white means maximum blood regen.
The Thirst/Hydration stat also impacts your immunity level in DayZ, which can be seen on the Immune System Stat Tool.


DayZ Player Stats Explained

Managing one's health, blood, temperature, hunger, and thirst stats is an absolute must in the DayZ experience; if one doesn't keep an eye on them, the consequences can be dire. Health affects the amount of damage a player can take, and blood affects their rate of healing. Temperature can quickly cause a player to become cold or overheated, and hunger and thirst can be a huge factor in the game. These stats are paramount for success, as they can dictate the measures a player must take to stay alive. Taking too much damage can cause a player's health to fall off, while extreme temperatures could lead to hypothermia or heat stroke. If a player's hunger and thirst isn't kept in check, they can become crippled and unable to perform as they should. Thus, it's imperative to stay on top of these stats, as they could very well be the deciding factor between life and death in DayZ's many harsh environments.

Health, blood, hunger, and thirst all have a significant influence on your character's survival in DayZ. The most crucial stat to keep an eye on is health, as it is the one that will trigger death at 0. Blood controls how quickly your health regenerates, but hunger and thirst control how much blood is replenished. Temperature influences the adverse effects you may experience and might have an impact on your health in lower conditions. To ensure your character's survival in DayZ, keep a watch on all of these numbers.

The DayZ Player Stats Tool is intended for all players of DayZ to understand the condition of their characters by matching the stats you see in game to the stats on this tool. By doing so, you can see exactly what is impacting your character the most and focus on increasing and prioritizing the stat that needs the most attention.


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