

DayZ 1.21's New Dynamic Lighting & Heating Mechanics

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DayZ Video | Posted 1 year ago

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How to adapt to the dimmer yet more visible light sources in DayZ 1.21, along with mastering the art of drying clothes using the fastest method due to the changes to dry times in DayZ 1.21. We also look at how heat radiates from fireplaces and other heat sources to simulate warmth in the game.

Twitter Giveaway: https://twitter.com/WOBOtweets/status/1673682009695068160

Temperature stat explained: https://youtu.be/HjXML10lkHs

Clothing wetness explained: https://youtu.be/P0h0zNB4HIg

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Blood of Others Xbox, The KarmaKrew Servers, Dallas, Dots, Fatal Attraction Squad, The Struggle Vanilla Servers, CFTools Cloud, Sgt. Pepper's DayZ Invasion Server, THE STRUGGLE Vanilla Servers, DZKraken Leaderboards, Clash Vanilla Servers, 1 Original DayZ Servers & We That Remain Roleplay (PS)
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WOBO is a content creator that creates tips, guides and explains game mechanics in the form of images and video. All of WOBO's content can be accessed through the WOBO website and will be available to everyone eventually in one form or another.

WOBO's goal is to educate and help players understand game mechanics for games like DayZ using tips, video guides and tools in the attempt to reduce misinformation within the DayZ community. However, WOBO can sometimes be wrong too, so take all the information at face value and do your own research to be sure the information is correct.

If any of the information on this website is incorrect, or if you encounter a bug, please contact WOBO using the social links below. Thank you for visiting WOBO Tools and have a good day!
