

M16 Weapon Info for DayZ

A Huge Thanks to:
Fatal Attraction Squad, Sgt. Pepper's DayZ Invasion Server, We That Remain Roleplay (PS), Dots, Blood of Others Xbox, The KarmaKrew Servers, 1 Original DayZ Servers, A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT, Frostline Extraction Servers, The Struggle Vanilla Servers, CFTools Cloud, Clash Vanilla Servers, Dallas & THE STRUGGLE Vanilla Servers
for making this website possible


Assault Rifle

Fires 556x45 Rounds

M16 Ammo

M16 Damage Drop-off

0m: Health: 107.47
Shock:  107.47
100m: Health: 94.9
Shock:  94.9
200m: Health: 83.8
Shock:  83.8
300m: Health: 74.1
Shock:  74.1
400m: Health: 65.4
Shock:  65.4
500m: Health: 57.8
Shock:  57.8
600m: Health: 51
Shock:  51
700m: Health: 45.1
Shock:  45.1
800m: Health: 39.8
Shock:  39.8
900m: Health: 35.2
Shock:  35.2
1000m: Health: 31.1
Shock:  31.1

Health Dropoff


Shock Dropoff


Compare M16 Damage Drop-off

M16 Gun Sounds

Very Close

100 Meters Away

200 Meters Away

500 Meters Away

Suppressed - Very Close

Rapid Fire - 100 Meters Away

Compare M16 Weapon Sounds

Shots To Ruin M16

Quality Ruins in
From Pristine (100%) 400 shots
From Worn (70%) 280 shots
From Damaged (50%) 200 shots
From Badly Damaged (30%) 120 shots

Compare M16 Shots To Ruin

M16 Jam Chance

Quality Chance Per Shot
While Pristine 0%
While Worn 0.1%
While Damaged 1%
While Badly Damaged 10%
While Ruined 100%

Magazines quality can cause weapon jams too.
Add the "Chance Per Shot" value here with the magazines "Chance Per Shot" value to get the total jam chance per shot

Magazine Jam Chance

M16 Weapon Crack Distance

The 556x45 Rounds fired by the M16 become subsonic at 725 meters.

Compare M16 Weapon Crack Distance

A Huge Thanks to:
CFTools Cloud, A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT, Fatal Attraction Squad, Sgt. Pepper's DayZ Invasion Server, Dots, Blood of Others Xbox, THE STRUGGLE Vanilla Servers, Dallas, The KarmaKrew Servers, We That Remain Roleplay (PS), Frostline Extraction Servers, The Struggle Vanilla Servers, 1 Original DayZ Servers & Clash Vanilla Servers
for making this website possible


M16 DayZ Weapon Summary

The M16 uses 556x45 Rounds and can fire at 550 RPM (Rounds Per Minute) inflicting 107.47 health damage and 107.47 shock damage per shot with 100 recoil rating out of 700(lower is better).

The M16 is capable of doing a full reload in 3.3 seconds, containing a maximum ammo capacity of 61.

With the M16's Accuracy stat of 0.002, Max Zeroing Distance of 200 and Muzzle Velocity of 850 meters per second, the M16 has a Base Range of roughly 400 meters without any attachments.

Because the Muzzle Velocity is 850 meters per second and the caliber stat is 1 for the ammo used by the M16(556x45 Rounds), this weapon has a Penetration Power of 850 out of 977.5(higher is better).

The M16 can be heard up to 2600 meters away without a suppressor(unless the suppressor is a fixed suppressor weapon), and has a Sway Rating of 6.875 out of 8.125(lower is better).

The inventory size of the M16 is 27 total slots, weighing 2900 grams with a length of 103 centimeters without any attachments.


Other DayZ Assault Rifles like the M16


The AS VAL is one of the quietest weapons in DayZ as standard. The AS VAL is not only suppressed as standard, but always has subsonic bullet speeds and won't make a weapon crack sound as a result. Similar to the VSS in terms of stats. Fires 9x39mm rounds.


The AS VAL is one of the quietest weapons in DayZ as standard. The AS VAL is not only suppressed as standard, but always has subsonic bullet speeds and won't make a weapon crack sound as a result. Fires 9x39mm Armour Piercing rounds.


The AUR A1 is based on the AUG A1 and is very similar to the AUR AX(AUG A3) in DayZ. This version of the AUG has a fixed optic that allows switching between iron sights on top of the optic and the 1.5x zoom fixed AUG optic itself. Both the Optics and sights allow zeroing up to 400 meters but zero independently of each other.


The AUR AX is based on the AUG A3 and is very similar to the AUR A1(AUG A1) in DayZ. This version of the AUG allows NATO weapon Optics and sights to be attached. The AUR AX or AUG A3 is one of the best Assault Rifles in DayZ.


Otherwise known as the AKM, the KAM uses the 7.62x39 Rounds. This firearm has a very high ammo capacity with its drum magazine, allowing 75 7.62x39 Rounds per magazine. The KAM is a great gun for suppressing enemies but the AKM has a slower bullet speed compared to other Assault Rifles.


The KAS 74U or AKS 74U is the little brother of the AK 74. It has much the same stats, but the AK 74 is superior for many reasons. AKS 74U uses the 5.45x39 rounds like the AK 74 does.

KA 101

Otherwise known as the AK 101, the KA 101 uses 5.56x45 rounds which have high penetration power. Although it uses the same rounds as the M4A1, the M4A1 is considered to be a superior firearm. One of the reasons for this is that the AK 101 only has one magazine, and contains 30 5.56x45 rounds at a maximum.

KA 74

Otherwise known as the AK 74, the KA 74 fires 5.45x39 rounds that have low air friction but lower damage. Unlike the AKS 74U, the AK 74 has a handguard, giving it reduced recoil when attached to this firearm. The KA 74 and AKS 74U have a lot of the same stats but the AK 74 is better due to its weapon damage and increased range.


Otherwise known as the FN FAL, the LAR is an extremely powerful battle Rifle that dominates at all ranges that fires .308 Rounds. It's in the Assault Rifle category as it fits here best for now. The LAR is a difficult firearm to find and also loot the Magazine for. However, if you do loot the LAR and attach a gun optic to it, it becomes one of the best weapons in DayZ.


The LE-MAS Bullpup Assault Rifle, otherwise known as the FAMAS, has an extremely high rate of fire and good damage. This makes it very effective in close quarters combat and one of the best Assault Rifles in DayZ. You can saw the handle of the LE MAS off, which improves visibility but reduces durability slightly. Sawing off the FAMAS has no other penalties.


The M4A1 uses the 5.56x45 rounds. While the M4A1 is harder to obtain than most guns, it is a very versatile Assault Rifle with its large amount of different weapon attachments. The M4A1 is considered to be one of the best firearms in DayZ for its great damage and range.


The Vikhr, otherwise known as the SR-3M, is a combat assault rifle that is similar to the AS VAL or VSS in terms of many of its stats. Unlike the VSS and AS VAL, the Vikhr is not suppressed as standard, and can be heard from far away, but does have subsonic bullet speeds and won't make a weapon crack sound still. Fires 9x39mm rounds

Vikhr AP

The Vikhr, otherwise known as the SR-3M, is a combat assault rifle that is similar to the AS VAL or VSS in terms of many of its stats. Unlike the VSS and AS VAL, the Vikhr is not suppressed as standard, and can be heard from far away, but does have subsonic bullet speeds and won't make a weapon crack sound still. Fires 9x39mm Armour Piercing rounds.


DayZ Assault Rifle Category


About DayZ Weapons

Weapons in DayZ can be split into serveral weapon categories that are as follows: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Sub Machine Guns, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Projectile Firearms.

DayZ weapons have a lot of stats that impact how a weapon will react to different situations. These stats can be changed slightly or drastically by attaching attachments to your weapons in DayZ.

Rifles are long firearms that are powerful and can hit targets accurately at range. Making them a great choice stealthy players that like to shoot from a distance.

Shotguns are incredible dangerous up close, but lack in effectiveness at medium and especially long distance. Shotguns are best used in urban combat for this reason.

Handguns are compact firearms that can only be shot and handled with one hand. They are less powerful and accurate than rifles, but they are more concealable and portable. They are classified into several categories, including revolvers and pistols. While the cylinder of a revolver rotates in place of a magazine, the magazine of a handgun may hold a significant number of rounds.

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