

DayZ Loot Finder Tool

Ammo Box 545x39 20 Rnd Locations Livonia

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Ammo Box 545x39 20 Rnd

"5.45x39mm intermediate cartridge. Used in select rifles. "
Description when inspecting item in DayZ. Note: Item image may not reflect color variant

Category: Weapons: Ammunition
Rarity Score: 9 (Slightly Rare)
Maximum Per Server: 10
Minimum Per Server: 6
Loot Location: Military
Restrictions: None
Despawns: 8 hours after spawning
Related loot: Ammo Box 00buck 10rnd, Ammo Box 12ga Rubber Slug 10 Rnd, Ammo Box 12ga Slug 10 Rnd, Ammo Box 22 50 Rnd, Ammo Box 308 Win Tracer 20 Rnd, Ammo Box 308 Win 20 Rnd, Ammo Box 357 20 Rnd, Ammo Box 380 35rnd, Ammo Box 545x39 Tracer 20 Rnd, Ammo 545x39, Ammo 545x39 Tracer, Ammo 40mm Smoke White, Ammo 308 Win Tracer, Ammo Box 762x54 20 Rnd, Ammo 40mm Smoke Red, Ammo Box 762x54 Tracer 20 Rnd, Ammo 40mm Smoke Green, Ammo 556x45, Ammo Flare Green, Ammo 762x39 Tracer, Ammo 40mm Chem Gas, Ammo 40mm Smoke Black & Ammo 9x39 AP
Ammo Box 545x39 20 Rnd

Ammo Box 545x39 20 Rnd: The 5.45x39 round was initially one of the fastest bullets in the game, but the 5.45x39 round still has a high speed bullet. The 5.45x39 Rounds are considered a heavy ammo type and will stun infected. The Ammo Box 545x39 20 round is a DayZ item that stores 20 rounds of the assault rifle and carbine-specific 545x39 ammunition weaponry. The AK 74 and AKS 74U are weapons that utilise this ammunition type. These guns and ammunition are regularly discovered in military regions and are said to be one of the most common assault rifles to get in DayZ. Players who wish to stock up on ammunition for their weapons may do so effectively with these ammo boxes, offering them a larger supply of ammunition in the event of a shootout or lengthy player Vs player conflict.

Learn more about the Ammo Box 545x39 20 Rnd

About DayZ Loot

Where loot in DayZ spawns is a mysterious topic that has left many players searching the wrong locations for gear. The DayZ Loot Finder Tool was developed to help players find all types of loot in DayZ, and help new and old players learn more about where loot spawns and how the spawning of loot works.

To find the loot you are looking for, simply type any DayZ item in the search box above where it asks you to type a loot name.

Try a variety of possible item names to find your desired loot as there can be various names for a certain piece of loot and names can change over time. However, you can also search by Category(Weapons, Clothes, Tools, etc) and by Loot Tag(Military, Industrial, Hunting, etc) to narrow results a bit.

When you have found the loot you are searching for, click its loot name and you will be shown all of the related information about that piece of loot and shown a loot map of where the item spawns with its spawn points highlighted in yellow.

This tool was scripted and styled by WOBO, with guidance from u/helpthedeadwalk and u/Sagpanda.
DaOne later improved this tool by increasing the accuracy of map loot locations.
Kuzyn provided the Sakhal background map from his website: DayZ World's Sakhal Map

- Livonia Loot Locations -
Coast Loot Area Coast loot areas commonly have loot related to water, such as fishing equipment, waterproof bags and raincoats. While called "Coast", this loot tag can be found away from coastal areas.
Some items with the Coast loot tag:Hook, Sea Chest, Flaregun, Hockey Helmet Black, Hoodie Grey, Ammo Flare Red, Raincoat Green, Hockey Helmet Blue, Dry Bag Green & Waterproof Bag Yellow

All Coast Loot
Contaminated Area:
ContaminatedArea Loot Area Contaminated Areas are the static gas zones that never move location and spawn NBC infected. These areas contain better than average loot due to how you will need an NBC suit and gas mask to not die very quickly to the lethal gas that surrounds these areas.
Some items with the Contaminated Area loot tag:Mag FAL 20 Rnd(LAR) , Mag M14 10 Rnd(DMR), FAL(LAR) , Starlight Optic, M14(DMR), AK Suppressor, M4 A1, Punched Card, M4 Suppressor & Mag M14 20 Rnd(DMR)

All Contaminated Area Loot
Farm Loot Area Houses, sheds and barns that are near fields or farming areas share the Farm loot tag that commonly spawns farming equipment.
Some items with the Farm loot tag: Izh43 Shotgun(BK43) , Pipe Wrench, Machete, Cargo Pants Blue, Hacksaw, Jumpsuit Jacket Gray, Barrel Red, Working Boots Grey, Combination Lock & M3 S(V3 S)Truck Wheel Double

All Farm Loot
Firefighter Loot Area Firefighter spawn tags are only found at fire stations around the map, but some items can be found on infected in and around fire stations too.
Some items with the Firefighter loot tag: Firefighters Helmet White, NBC Pants Yellow, Flaregun, NBC Jacket Yellow, Airborne Mask(NBC Respirator) , Firefighter Jacket Beige, Firefighters Pants Beige, Ammo Flare Red, Ammo Flare Green & NBC Boots Yellow

All Firefighter Loot
Hunting Loot Area Hunting loot is spread across the map in hunting cabins and hunting stands. The ingame map displays the location of these cabins.
Some items with the Hunting loot tag: Dry Bag Red, Ammo Box 00buck 10rnd, Izh18(BK18) , Mag CZ550(CR550 Savanna) 10 Rnd, Mosin Compensator, Boonie Hat DPM, Mag CZ527(CR527) 5rnd, Mountain Bag Red, Mace & Chestplate

All Hunting Loot
Industrial Loot Area Industrial loot is assigned to warehouses, factories and storage containers. However, industrial loot can commonly be found on infected too.
Some items with the Industrial loot tag: Working Gloves Brown, Barrel Blue, Moto Helmet White, M3 S(V3 S)Truck Door 2 1 Blue Rust, Lada Trunk White Rust, Zmijovka Cap Red, Fabric(Tarp), Sedan Doors Back Right Black Rust, Gunter Hood Red Rust & Gunter Door 1 2 Blue Rust

All Industrial Loot
Lunapark Loot Area There are not many Lunaparks on the map, which makes finding loot specific to this tag a challenge to find. Each Lunapark area has fun fair rides that are easy to distinguish from other buildings in DayZ.
Some items with the Lunapark loot tag: Hip Pack Party, Party Tent Lunapark, Mime Mask Male, Eye Mask Black, Oriental Machete, Pipe Wrench, Cat Food Can, Chips, Zagorky Peanuts & Fireworks Launcher

All Lunapark Loot
Medic Loot Area Medical loot locations include hospitals, the blue medical centers, yellow medical camps and medical related infected.
Some items with the Medic loot tag: Paramedic Pants Crimson, First Aid Kit, Charcoal Tablets, Medical Scrubs Shirt White, Purification Tablets, Medical Scrubs Pants Green, Paramedic Jacket Crimson, Epinephrine, Airborne Mask(NBC Respirator) & Ammo Flare Red

All Medic Loot
Military Loot Area Military loot locations are dotted around the map and include the green tents and containers seen in the image, military buildings and hangers. Military infected can have military loot too.
Some items with the Military loot tag: Boonie Hat Navy Blue, Large Tent, Gorka EJacket(Patrol Jacket) Autumn, RGD5 Grenade(Russian), M65 Jacket Olive, Mag STANAG 30 Rnd, Mag AK101 30 Rnd, AK Bayonet, Saiga(Vaiga) Buttstock & Assault Bag Ttsko

All Military Loot
Office Loot Area Office loot locations share a lot of the same items that the School loot tag has. The most common office/admin buildings can be seen in the image. On Sakhal the School loot tag is assigned to buses too.
Some items with the Office loot tag: Flag White, Flag Livonia, Alarm Clock Green, Flag RSTA, Flag Cannibals, Flag Refuge, Pajka, Flag NSahrani, Spaghetti Can & Flag APA

All Office Loot
Police Loot Area Police loot tags contain some of the better early game items for getting a weapon with ammo together. Police cars also spawn police loot and so does the newer police station building model.
Some items with the Police loot tag: Mag Glock(Mlock) 15 Rnd, Police Vest(Stab Vest) , Balaclava 3 Holes Beige, Ammo Box 380 35rnd, Ammo Box 00buck 10rnd, Rangefinder, Police Jacket Orel, RDG2 Smoke Grenade Black, Megaphone & Wool Gloves Black

All Police Loot
Prison Loot Area Prison loot is only found at the prison building types, making it one of the least common loot tags.
Some items with the Prison loot tag: Prisoner Cap, Handcuff Keys, Scout(Pioneer) , Unknown Food Can, Handcuffs, Prison Uniform Pants & Prison Uniform Jacket

All Prison Loot
Underground Loot Area The Underground loot tag is only assigned to loot in the bunkers of Livonia and Sakhal. An item with the Underground loot tag can be split into the three floors of the bunker on Livonia, or it can spawn in any location within the bunker if it does not have a floor restriction. Floor restrictions work like tiers, with rarer items spawning in the more difficult to access floors. You will need a Punched Card to enter the Livonian bunker unless someone opens the bunker from the inside for you. The bunker on Sakhal requires no special item to access, but if you want to open the 4 doors inside, you will need to power the doors from a nearby building with a generator inside.
Some items with the Underground loot tag: AUG(AUR AX), AK101, Ammo 40mm Chem Gas, Grenade Chem Gas, NBC Boots Gray, GP5 Gas Mask, Smaller AUG(AUR A1) , Anti Chem Injector, NBC Pants Gray & Ammo Box 556x45 Tracer 20 Rnd

All Underground Loot
School Loot Area School loot locations are very similar to the Office loot tag when it comes to items, but the School loot tag is only assigned to school buildings. On Sakhal the School loot tag is assigned to buses too.
Some items with the School loot tag: Flag Dayz, Flag Bohemia, Pajka, Powdered Milk, Chips, Flag NSahrani, Alarm Clock Blue, Lunchmeat, Flag Cannibals & Brisket Spread

All School Loot
Town Loot Area The Town loot tag is designated to the larger residential areas of the game, such as Cherno and Novo. Useful equipment and clothing spawns here, much like the Village loot tag.
Some items with the Town loot tag: Balaclava 3 Holes Black, Ammo 762x54 Tracer, Wool Gloves White, Alarm Clock Green, Marmalade, Salty Sticks, Rice, Meat Tenderizer, Flat Cap Brown Check & Skirt Yellow

All Town Loot
Village Loot Area The Village loot tag is for the smaller towns in DayZ like Myshkino and Vavilovo. This loot tag is very similar to the Town loot tag when it comes to which items spawn here.
Some items with the Village loot tag: Dark Moto Helmet White, Cowboy Hat Green, Taloon Bag Green, Breeches Brown Check, Hiking Boots Low Blue, Taloon Bag Violet, Dark Moto Helmet Green, Working Boots Beige, TShirt White & Shirt White Check

All Village Loot
Special Loot Area Special loot locations only include a castle on the east of the Livonia map and some areas of Sakhal. This castle is tied into the lore of the Yellow King, while the special loot areas of Sakhal offer better than average loot.

NOTE: The Special Loot tag on Sakhal is split between Regular Special items and Unique Special items. Unique Special items spawn in Special Military Containers.
Some items with the Special loot tag: Dark Moto Helmet Yellow Scarred

All Special Loot

- Explanations -
The category the selected item is in. There are very few loot categories encompassing all loot in DayZ. Some of these loot categories include Weapons, Clothes, Tools and Explosives. Only one loot category is on each piece of loot in DayZ.
[Rarity Score]:
A score relative to the easiest piece of loot to aquire and the selected piece of loot to aquire. Score goes from 0 to 100(the lower the rarer). An average of all loot in DayZ is then used to give the loot a rank(Extremely Rare, Rare, Slightly Rare, Uncommon, Average, Common, Very Common and Extremely Common). This scoring system should only be used to quickly assess the rarity of an item, and may not always be accurate.
[Maximum Per Server]:
The maximum number of this loot found on a vanilla DayZ server(not modded).
[Minimum Per Server]:
The minimum number of this loot found on a vanilla DayZ server(not modded).
[Loot Location]:
The Loot Tags that are assigned to the current piece of loot. Loot Tags are assigned to buildings/structures, these are highlighted in yellow on the loot map above.
Some loot is restricted to certain areas or tiers. This can reduce the number of spawn points the selected item can spawn at and/or limit the loot to certain areas. The higher the tier, the rare the loot tends to be. However, some restrictions don't include tiers, such as limiting spawns to heli crash sites, dynamic trains and unique areas.
How long after spawning the piece of loot will disappear. Picking up and/or interacting the piece of loot will reset this timer. Raised Flag Poles can be used to reset these times too.
[Loot Map]:
The Loot Map displays the locations the selected item spawns in yellow. This is based on the Loot Tags assigned to that item and any Restrictions that item may have. Loot Maps for Loot Tags are manually created and may not always be accuracte or complete.
[Search Box]:
The search box searches the database live for items that match your query, but it also tries to match the category and loot tags of items too. For example, "weapons" shows all items with the "Weapons" category tag in DayZ, while "military" shows all items with the "Military" loot location in DayZ.



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A Huge Thanks to:
The KarmaKrew Servers, THE STRUGGLE Vanilla Servers, Sgt. Pepper's DayZ Invasion Server, Blood of Others Xbox, DZKraken Leaderboards, Fatal Attraction Squad, Dots, 1 Original DayZ Servers, Dallas, CFTools Cloud, Clash Vanilla Servers, We That Remain Roleplay (PS) & The Struggle Vanilla Servers
for making this website possible