

The Cold Spring

The Cold Spring

DayZ Tip

The only unfrozen water source on Sakhal, apart from Water Springs, is found in the Easter Egg Cave located at X:9650 Y:8440.

This cave water can be used for drinking or filling containers; however, it will cause heavy metal poisoning, even if boiled.

By using a filtering bottle or taking a couple of chelating tablets after drinking, you can safely utilize this water source. This is particularly useful, as the next nearest water source is over 1,000 meters away.

Posted 27 days ago

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WOBO is a content creator that creates tips, guides and explains game mechanics in the form of images and video. All of WOBO's content can be accessed through the WOBO website and will be available to everyone eventually in one form or another.

WOBO's goal is to educate and help players understand game mechanics for games like DayZ using tips, video guides and tools in the attempt to reduce misinformation within the DayZ community. However, WOBO can sometimes be wrong too, so take all the information at face value and do your own research to be sure the information is correct.

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A Huge Thanks to:
Clash Vanilla Servers, The KarmaKrew Servers, Sgt. Pepper's DayZ Invasion Server, Friendly?: A DayZ Podcast, CFTools Cloud, The Struggle Vanilla Servers, Rearmed Servers, Blood of Others Xbox, A Beautiful Potato servers by Nate_LapT, Dots, Fatal Attraction Squad, Dallas & 1 Original DayZ Servers
for making this website possible